Soudain la nuit

by Olivier Saccomano

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The 2015 archive

Nathalie Garraud and Olivier Saccomano

Fère-en-Tardenois / Created in 2015

Soudain la nuit, Nathalie Garraud, 2015 © Christophe Raynaud de Lage


The product of a collective work begun three years ago by the Compagnie du Zieu, Suddenly the Night is the third and final part of a cycle called Spectres of Europe. This play focuses on the figure of the foreigner, apparently split into two roles: that of an Arab doctor, Dr. Chahine, who heads the medical wing of a European airport, and that of a young man, an Arab whose sudden and unexplained death feeds the health and security fantasies of a continent already on the defensive. The airport, a place of transit, exchange, and separation, becomes for the night a place of waiting, where time is like suspended. The contradictions and ghosts that all carry within themselves, passengers and health professionals alike, turn out to be contagious. In the silence of the night, knives are sharpened, words spread like wildfire. With this play, Nathalie Garraud and Olivier Saccomano continue with the actors and technicians of their company an experiment that is at once a radiography of modern ideologies and the discovery of a collective dramatic gesture that explores the active and expressive possibilities of their art.


Direction Nathalie Garraud
Written Olivier Saccomano
Scenography Jean-François Garraud
Lights Guillaume Tesson
Video Camille Lorin
Son Hugues Laniesse
Costumes Sarah Leterrier, Sabrina Noiraux
Sound Hugues Laniesse
Assistant to the direction Steven Cayrasso

Julien Bonnet Michel
Laurence Claoué
Mitsou Doudeau
Laure Giappiconi Marie
Cédric Michel Chahine
Florian Onnein Ange
Conchita Paz Nora
Charly Totterwitz Ben


Production du Zieu
Coproduction Festival d'Avignon, Maison de la Culture d'Amiens, Théâtre du Beauvaisis Scène nationale de l'Oise en préfiguration, Le Fracas Centre dramatique national de Montluçon, Pôle Arts de la Scène – La Friche Belle de Mai Marseille, Scène nationale Évreux-Louviers, Théâtre Massalia
With the support of  l'Adami et de la Spedidam
Residences at  La FabricA-Festival d'Avignon, Le Préau Centre dramatique régional de Vire, Les Scènes du Jura Scène nationale, CENTQUATRE-Paris, Villa La Brugère, Institut français du Maroc

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