Pont Saint Bénézet et berges de l'île de la Barthelasse


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  • Concert
The 2015 archive

Mind Against and La Dame Noir

Pont Saint Bénézet et berges de l'île de la Barthelasse © DR


A key moment of the Festival Résonance, this afternoon around the bridge of Avignon offers every year a selection of charismatic artists, invited to perform from the end of the bridge. The public can listen to them from the banks of the île de la Barthelasse, with the help of a high-tech multicasting system.

La dame Noir, originally a blog dedicated to dark disco and slow house, and since 2009 a Marseillais late bar with a classy musical line-up, has found a new playground with the club “La dame Noir dancing”, an extension of the bar as a dancefloor with a musical selection that's been refined since 2011. Their new label, “La dame Noir records”, is home to dark and determined productions.


With the support of la Sacem 

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