Encounter with Pierre Meunier

about the show Forbidden di sporgersi

  • Encounter at the FabricA
The 2015 archive

Presented by Michel Flandrin.

Encounter with Pierre Meunier © DR


Encounter about


We might just glimpse the end of the tunnel


“I used to think I was awake, but then I read Babouillec and realised just how deep my slumber was. To those who ask 'But what has that text got to do with the theatre?' I say: 'With the theatre in general, I wouldn't know, but the theatre I'm interested in finds here a relevant and highly stimulating material. (...) What I'm doing isn't adapting a text for the stage so much as trying to show, in a dramatic way, just how important it is. (...) It's a real challenge to try to be up to the indisputable and vital necessity that gives Babouillec its strength.'” P.M.


Pierre Meunier's artistic career spans the circus, the theatre, and cinema. Since 1999 he has been creating his own shows, has worked with many other artists, and has, in his workshop, created sculptures and installations that question nothing less than physics. His shows, which mix solemnity and levity, are often full of humour, echoing Henri Michaux and Dadaism. Pierre Meunier presented Buffet à vif for the Sujets à vif programme of the 68th Festival d'Avignon.


Babouillec can't talk, or not yet, but he hears and feels everything with a superior intensity that stuns all those who encounter it. Isn't his radicalism a most enlightening and necessary weapon in today's world?


Pierre Meunier
and Marguerite Bordat, artistic collaborator


production La Belle Meunière
coproduction La Comédie de Clermont-Ferrand Scène nationale, La Manufacture Centre dramatique national de Nancy-Lorraine, TJP Strasbourg Centre dramatique national d'Alsace.
with the support of Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication - DRAC Auvergne,
Conseil Régional d'Auvergne and Conseil Général de l'Allier.
and also Fonds SACD Théâtre

Practical infos


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