"La Nuit spirituelle" by Lydie Dattas, concert reading

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  • Literature
  • Cycle of sacred music
The 2014 archive

Lydie Dattas

Avignon - Roquemaure - Malaucène

"La Nuit spirituelle" by Lydie Dattas, concert reading © DR


“One day I found Jean Genet sitting in my armchair. Having run into him on the street and wanting to please me, Alexandre, using his Gypsy science, had led him to my door. The poet soon settled into the one-room apartment upstairs. That very evening, I entered his room to converse with him, joyously expressing my disagreements with this man whose writings I venerated. The next day Genet banished me: 'I don't want to see her anymore, she contradicts me all the time. Moreover, Lydie is a woman and I hate women.' These words rejecting me into the night of my sexual gender despaired me. Finding my salvation in pride, I decided to write a poem that would be so beautiful that he would be forced to come back to me. For weeks, I sought an angle of attack for my words. Overcoming my despair, I wrote La Nuit spirituelle in order to wound him as radically as he had wounded me, returning one death for another. When I had put down the final period, the massive night of my poem stood there gleaming, facing his hatred of women. By siding with him, the poem proved that he was wrong. The next day someone knocked on the door: it was Genet.”

Dominique Féret, avril 2014


Stage adaptation Dominique Féret

Reciter Mireille Herbstmeyer
Organ Thierry Escaich

The play of the organist will be projected on big screen.


with Musique Sacrée en Avignon

Practical infos


"La Nuit spirituelle" by Lydie Dattas, concert reading © DR


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