Garden Party

Sujets à Vif - Programme B

  • Sujet à vif
  • Programme B
The 2013 archive

Ambre Kahan, Duncan Evennou & Karine Piveteau

Please note that if you buy a ticket for "Garden Party", it will be valid for the second show "Perlaborer" of programme B.
Garden Party © DR


“These are roads made of paving stones. Holes. With brambles. And sublime panoramas. A virgin. It is high heat. Dust. And a lot of mosquitos. A desert crossing?  It is windy. For sure... A real storm. That crunches between the teeth. In short. It leaves a strange taste. Or then a forced march. We'll call it that. To a hellish rhythm. But you love it. You ask for it again and again. You want to continue the race. Let them love each other. And let them cry. And let them shout. And let them embrace each other. You hum a little. You even have a fan. It sells. Like a kindergarten. It's a little like a party. You'll say a theatre party. Okay, yes. You'll say that. A slow dance dripping with dirty actors.”
Ambre Kahan


conception and direction Ambre Kahan
with Duncan Evennou, Karine Piveteau
sound creation Marie Charles
texts Stig Dagerman, Freddy Mercury, Bernard Noël


coproduction SACD, Festival d'Avignon
with the support of Théâtre National de Bretagne

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