Europe, culture, regions

What cultural policies for the regions of Europe today?

  • Rencontres européennes
The 2010 archive

Hosted by Nicolas Truong


With a new treaty, a new parliament and a new constitution, the European Union this year is eager to define its goals for 2020 and the strategies to be implemented to achieve them. It is fundamental that it takes into account the importance of culture in the European project and the growing role of regional administrations (cities, regions, provinces) in the emergence of European cultural policies focused on economic development, innovation and the construction of an active citizenship. A seminar brought together, on 9 July, elected officials from European regions and cultural actors to pool experiences and good practices and to envisage, together, relevant strategies and action plans. Their recommendations were presented on 10 July and discussed in the presence of French and European representatives. (see "Avignon Declaration" on the right)


Proposed by the Festival d'Avignon and the Relais Culture Europe
With the support of the Programme Culture de la Commission européenne

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