Sujets à Vif - Prog. D

  • Dance
  • Theatre
  • Sujet à vif
The 2009 archive

Nicolas Bouchaud and Lynda Gaudreau

Sujets à Vif - Prog. D © DR


For the second year, we invite you to Sujets à Vif, these unexepected encounters at the Jardin de la Vierge, between writing and performance, where artists decide to work and build together a totally new itinerary. Bridges are laid out, planned, imagined between performers and writers coming from different backgrounds, from different artistic playgrounds, different from those they usually know or practise. Eight premieres, eight short shows, eight questionings, eight explorations: you will find here, choreography, theatre, music, circus, performance, all disciplines the Sacd covers and to whom once again opportunity is given to exchange and to mingle. We've kept in mind the magic moments of 2008; we hungrily expect surprises to come in 2009. This year again, under the amazed eye of the Blessed Virgin statue peeping over the whole stage - when the host does not decide to discreetly cover her face - , artists and writers from France, but also from Canada, Belgium, Switzerland or Lebanon will confront their own worlds. The Festival d'Avignon and the Sacd build up together these moments of diversity and crossing-over. I wish to stress here the joy of a friendly and perfect collaboration made up of common desires and the pleasure to plan together and expect the unexpected.
Jacques Fansten, president of the Sacd


Programme D

Out of the blue

commissioned from Lynda Gaudreau

Un projet libre et expérimental qui est arrivé par accident, à l'improviste d'où le titre Out of the Blue.
La scénographie, bien que minimale, y joue un rôle important. Un
spectacle divisé en trois solos situé à l'interstice de l'art visuel,
de la performance et de la danse. On y retrouve une chanteuse
pop-futuriste en un duo invité.

directrice artistique et chorégraphe Lynda Gaudreau,
en collaboration avec les interprètes Karina Iraola, Anne Thériault, Frédéric Tavernini, George Stamos, Dominique Pétrin
scénographie Anick La Bissonnière, artiste sonore et ingénieure du son Anne-Françoise Jacques, arrangements additionnels Tomas Furey, collaboration à la dramaturgie George Stamos, chanteuse Dominique Pétrin, conception des accessoires Marilène Bastien, extraits musicaux Clara Furey, Michel Meunier, Martin Tétreault, Chet Atkins, Tuva, auteure des paroles Dominique Pétrin, captation sonore et direction musicale Anne-Françoise Jacques, Martin Tétreault


Dis-moi quelque chose (Tell Me Something)

commissioned from Nicolas Bouchaud

Stage actors, familiar with major texts, Nicolas Bouchaud and Catherine Vuillez share a private passion: the clown. Really looking at them, you should have suspected it, something in their eyes crinkles. At the heart of the encounter, in the drunkenness of the clown, they sketch out a singular speech, invoking at the Jardin de la Vierge the most tragic and comical figure that we all know: love.

actor Nicolas Bouchaud, actress Catherine Vuillez, under the direction of Anne Cornu and Vincent Rouche director


coproduction: Sacd, Festival d'Avignon

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