Projet McQueen

The 25th Hour

by Renée Gagnon

  • Theatre
  • Video
  • 25th hour
The 2009 archive

Renée Gagnon

Projet McQueen © DR


McQueen ProjectMcQueen, as in Steve, the American actor who was Renée Gagnon's inspiration for a text that deals with the passion a woman can have for a screen icon, as the possible intrusion of fiction into the reality of a life. A woman's poem, a poem made up of men, that reinvents McQueen in an existence accelerated by words, in which a single love creates a thousand images and as many adventures. Very interested in stage extensions of the poetic word, the young author from Quebec imagined McQueen Project: a multimedia venture between a Western and a film noir, that brings the book that she published in 2007, Steve McQueen (My Sweetheart), to life. A project that relies on the use of other texts, video (notably the extracts from McQueen's films) and sound, to create a dialogue with the text and make it come alive in a different way. To bring out other meanings, underline certain passages, have the humour spring out and feel the presence of the lover as much as that of Renée Gagnon who, as a possessed reader, brings her text on stage with great skill.


text and performance: Renée Gagnon
music: Gordon Allen, Renée Gagnon
video: Johannie Blais, Renée Gagnon


avec le soutien: du Conseil des arts et lettres du Québec et du Conseil des Arts du Canada

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