La jeune fille à la bombe

by Christophe Fiat

  • Theatre
  • Dance
  • Music
  • Video
  • Show
The 2007 archive

Christophe Fiat

Paris / Besançon / Created in 2007

La jeune fille à la bombe © Christophe Raynaud de Lage / Festival d'Avignon


After having taught philosophy and joining the Institution Culturelle du Centre Régional des Lettres de Franche-Comté (The Arts Cultural Institution of Franche-Comté), Christophe Fiat rediscovered his freedom as a writer, revue director and performer in 2001. He published a few books including Ladies in the Dark, Épopée une Aventure de Batman (Epic A Batman Adventure), Héroïnes (Heroines) published by Al Dante and Bienvenus à Sexpol (Welcome to Sexpol) published by Léo Scheer. As performer at the age of 35, he took part in the “Hors-Série No 0” (Special Issue number 0) of the National Choreography Centre of Montpellier, followed in 2002 by 3 Ritournelles Live (Same Old 3 Songs Live) at the Montpellier Dance Festival. In the following years, he performed in shows constructed around the poetry of sound with his texts and an electric guitar including La Vérité Est Hallucinante (The Truth is Mind Boggling) at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris as part of the artist Thomas Hirschom's “24 heures Foucault” (Foucault 24 hours), Tentative de Récupération du Site de Ground Zero à des Fins Politiques (Trying to Hijack Ground Zero for Political Ends) at the Cartier Contemporary Art Foundation in Paris for the Soirées Nomades (Nomad Evenings), Isadora Duncan est une Danseuse Crackée (Isadora Duncan is a Cracked Dancer) and Si Carrie White n'était pas une Héroïne de Stephen King, elle Serait Terroriste, (If Carry White Weren't a Stephen King Heroine, She Would be a Terrorist) created in 2006 as part of the Festival Dessus Dessous at La Villette. That year, he directed for the first time and put on La Reconstitution Historique (Historical Reconstruction) which is also a book published by Al Dante, at the Théâtre de la Bastille in Paris. It combines text, music, dance and video.
At the Avignon Festival, Christophe Fiat presented Earopean - Les Trois Grandes Odes (Earopean - Three Great Odes) and Un Semblant de Nature (Something like Nature) in the 25th Hour programme in 2004.

Christophe Fiat is a writer whose performance is an extension of the literary act. With The Young Girl with a Bomb, we're faced with something more akin to a novel, a piece of fiction. It's the story of a woman (Nathalie Moore) who finds herself confronted by a fantasy turned reality. Christophe Fiat questions the link that could exist between women and the most contemporary forms of political, ideological or religious violence. He doesn't give any definitive answer but questions this often hidden facet of women. They are often caricatured, negated and rejected although History offers testimonies of strong, violent, warrior women who shaped the world around them. In a world where fear, some of it irrational, leads to ever more efficient coercion, posing the question of the role we each play, whether male or female, in this seemingly dangerous and irresistible movement is not neutral. He criticizes the baby-boomer generation who, after having devoured their parents, appear to want to swallow up their children by refusing to give them – whether consciously or not – the place that is rightfully theirs. As author-director and performer, Christophe Fiat tries to conjure up the controlled society we live in, on stage. It has visibly replaced the society of oppression, so often denounced, all the more easily as technical and technological means become more and more alienating. Together with a soprano opera singer, two dancers and a video director at his side, he invites us to see and hear the images and words of an unsettling but absolutely necessary questioning as seen through the extraordinary adventure of a woman.


texte et mise en scène :Christophe Fiat
interprétation :Louise Armand, Soanny Fay, Christophe Fiat, Rémy Héritier, Mickaël Phelippeau
scénographie :Christophe Fiat
vidéo :Louise Armand
musique :Christophe Fiat
régie générale :Éric Yvelin
administration :Carole Bodin


production :Cloudbusters
en coproduction avec :le Festival d'Avignon, le Parc de la Villette (Paris) dans le cadre des résidences d'artistes et Arcadi (Action régionale pour la création artistique et la diffusion en Île-de-France)
avec le concours du :ministère de la Culture et de la Communication (dicream)
avec le soutien de :Montévidéo (Marseille)
Le Festival d'Avignon reçoit le soutien de :l'Adami pour la production

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