The heart of the Matter - Programme B

Sujets à Vif

  • Dance
  • Sujet à vif
The 2003 archive

Faustin Linyekula, Christophe Haleb

France / Created in 2003


Si c'est un nègre/autoportrait (If this were a Negro/self-portrait)
Sylvain Prunenec and Faustin Linyekula: "The work, which takes place for the most part in Kinshasha, is based on a meeting which came about through discussions and knowledge of our respective backgrounds, not only as artists but also as human beings. From then on it's a question of finding the format within which we can express this meeting through one body, making a self-portrait out of two portraits The aim is, within the space of one performance, people leave traces of their lives.” An extract from an interview with Sylvain Prunenec and Faustin Linyekula (see "Autour du spectacle")
Yes, yes, yes
”For several months Isabelle and I have been meeting to discuss and experiment with different physical states, different states of being present in relation to things. We mixed solid and sound elements – rhythmic, dynamic and household. Dressing, undressing, glorifying, desiring, humiliating, envying, free and unfree, showing the body in its dispersion, in its escapes, no longer knowing through which angle it will be shown at its best, seeking a body which refers to its own disappearance. The work was done in improvisation work-shops and questions how the female body is represented. From this material and a series of reciprocal exchanges we gradually constructed the solo.” An extract from an interview with Christophe Haleb (see « Autour du spectacle »)


Si c'est un nègre/autoportrait:
dancer:Sylvain Prunenec
choreography:Faustin Linyekula
sound: Joachim Montessuis
Yes, yes, yes :
dancer:Isabelle Boutrois
choreography:Christophe Haleb
musique : Pushy !


Coproduction: Sacd, Festival d'Avignon
Programme élaboré par: Héla Fattoumi, chorégraphe et Présidente de la commission danse de la Sacd

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