To Carthage then I came (Quand je me rendis à Carthage)

by Romeo Castellucci

  • Exhibition
  • Show
The 2002 archive

Romeo Castellucci



The Chapelle Saint-Charles hosts three installations by Romeo Castellucci, includingthe one that features on the poster of this 56th Avignon Festival “Delenda est Carthago”. The Catalogue is published by Editions Actes Sud.

“Delenda est Carthago” (Carthage must be destroyed) The abandoned cavity of space, empty like the orbit of his eye, is entirely occupied by the oscillating movement of a huge ram. The title of the exhibition is the phrase that the Romans marked on the sides of their rams. The movementis oscillation. A thrown object reaches the extreme point of its thrust and falls back with force, towards its point of departure. It loses its own base and comes back. And when it returns, it loses the base again, moving away towards the opposite side. The duration, repetition, automation, conversion and oscillation describe a movement which slides between two extremities of art, the portrait and the spectator. Fusion without confusion. “Non avete visto nessuna immagine – soltanto una voce”(You have seen no image – only a voice) In the middle of the room, the feet of a child about eight years old try to lift themselves from the ground. “Teatro del mucoso” (Mucus Theatre) Three blocks and a miniature high-court judge' s robe, made to fit a three-year-old child.


projet et oeuvres : Romeo Castellucci
realisation and installation : Studio Plastikart di Zimmermann & Amoroso
prototypes and micro-automatismes realisation: PKLap - Robotics & Artificial Intelligence
moteur oscillatoire realisation : Stephan Duve
organisation : Valentina Alferj, Gilda Biasini, Cosetta Nicolini


Production : Socìetas Raffaelo Sanzio, Festival d'Avignon
Avec le soutien : du programme Culture 2000 de l'Union européenne
Avec l'aide : du Département du Vaucluse
Catalogue publié :aux éditions Actes Sud

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