Programme A

Le Vif du sujet (The Heart of the Matter)

  • Dance
  • Sujet à vif
The 2002 archive



Enat et le jardin des icônes
I had seen some of his performances which had moved me a lot. His work is very special, very sensitive. So I wanted to meet him to explore this solo adventure with him. All the more because Benoît, as a choreographer and dancer, has created several solos and his approach to this particular form is in my view, very rich. (Hanna Hedman)

To perceive movement not as a form but as a constant means of communication, the dialogue about the transfer of the information proposed and born by bodies as well as their juxtaposition in a co-existence. Hanna has taken my artistic suggestions and has worked on different states. She represents the art of executing action. We strive to make the outline more accessible, to achieve clarity of state. The physical action will facilitate the expression of the visible phenomenon and bring forth the state. Researching this process is what is interesting. (Benoît Lachambre)

My own work and research as a choreographer is moving more and more towards very small things, daily routine gestures. Wim does everything bigger, with movement and lots of energy. That's why I thought of him. There is also the language factor. We both speak Flemish and it is important to speak the same language. In fact, we've known each other for a long time but have never worked together. Wim has always followed what I have done. So he knows who he is dealing with. I also know Wim's work, it is a reference. (Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui)

I always work according to the personality of the individual. That's how I choose them. I work for each person and it's the will and energy of that person which influences me. Larbi has a very different language from my own, he is very flexible. You just have to watch, come up with your ideas and see if he likes them. A solo is not just a dance, it is a story on stage. I take a dancer and I place him or her in a role because it suits them. When you direct, you must try to forget to think about \'I' and instead ask \'what can this one do ?' and then you can surprise yourself. You have to try to ask thse people to perform things they haven't before. That's what I am doing with Larbi. (Wim Vandekeybus)


Enat and icones garden
dancer:Hanna Hedman
choreographer: Benoît Lachambre
original music: Laurent Maslé
text : Valère Novarina (Devant la parole)
dancer :Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui
choreographers: Wim Vandekeybus and Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui
stage design : Wim Vandekeybus
sound conception : Charo Calvo
text : Paul Bowles (The Circular Valley)


Proposé par : la Commission Danse de la Sacd
Programme élaboré par :Héla Fattoumi, présidente de la Commission Danse
Sur une idée originale de : François Raffinot
Coproduction : Sacd dans le cadre de son action culturelle danse, Festival d'Avignon
Enat et le jardin des icônes
Production : l'Expérience Harmaat
Avec le soutien de l'Espace Pier Paolo Pasolini (Valenciennes), du Centre culturel canadien à Paris et de La Nave-centro de Danza contemporanea (Malaga-espagne)
Production : Ultima Vez
En coproduction avec : les Ballets C. de la B.

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