Paroles d'acteurs de l'Adami ( a word from the ADAMI actors)

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The 2002 archive

Didier Flamand



Dreaming up an actor
Constructed like dream, this performance reveals a personal story, a secret quest, an often unconscious one. It is a phantasmatic projection heading towards the confused wish to “be”, one day, an actor. Whether one has come from Paris or elsewhere, often after many struggles... Trying to see among these young actors what is secretly inscribed in their own stories, and via a collage of conversations, of various reflections and work on pieces they have selected themselves, guessing what will be, in the future, their specificity or what rare quality they will show.
Didier Flamand


a lesson in theatre: by Didier Flamand
assistant director : Flore Hofmann
cast : Dan Artus, Géraldine Blé, Jérôme Cachon, Alexandra Castellon,
Christophe Deslandes, Christelle Godfroy, Vincent Guillaud, David Laborie,
Nathalie Matti, Julie Pilod, Karine Ykhlef, Gaël Zaks


Production: de l'Adami
Avec le soutien de : l'Anpe Spectacle
Remerciements à : l'École Florent

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