Les Philosophes (The Philosophers)

by Bruno Schulz

  • Dance
  • Show
The 2002 archive

Josef Nadj



Elegant of body, graceful of movement, softness of gesture: the distinctive signs of the choreographer Josef Nadj. The artist with a Hungarian cultural background who has a talent for magnifying stages and making dance sublime, of making his private dreams into extraordinary poems. His performances, sombre and full of light, capture the gaze of those who watch the curves and detours he traces on stage with his long and frail silhouette, taking them to unimagined shores. These magical arabesques leave us peaceful, serene and ultimately, not far from a certain idea of happiness. With Les Philosophes, his most recent piece inspired by the writings of Polish author Bruno Schulz, Nadj demonstrates a new maturity. He is now a man who can calmly look back on his life, discard unnecessary questions, take leave of the past and set off again, towards a future, which seems like a new beginning. Schulz then represents the hand of the lucid philosopher, reaching out to the artist who continually puts his talent to the test. The three-part performance is a gradual initiation on the path to Schulz' s wisdom that begins with an exhibition, continues with a video screening and concludes in dance. In between violins and video, with irony and humour, the performance will lead spectators after the dance steps of those for whom existence does not exist without a question mark.


choreography Josef Nadj
cast :Thierry Bae, Istvan Bickei, Peter Gemza, Josef Nadj, Gyork Joseph Szakonyi, Martin Zimmermann
musicians :Szilárd Mezei (violin and bass), Albert Márkos (cello), Tamás Geröly (percussion)
exhibition concept and lay-out:Josef Nadj
music :Szilárd Mezei
stage design: Michel Tardif
scene painter :Jacqueline Bosson
lightings :Rémi Nicolas
video operator and editor :Thierry Thibaudeau
assistant stage design : François Bancilhon
assistant lightings : Christian Halkin


Coproduction :Centre chorégraphique national d'Orléans, Festival de Danse de Cannes, Bruges Capitale culturelle européenne 2002
Subventionné par: ministère de la Culture et de la Communication
(DMTS - Drac Centre), la ville d'Orléans, le Conseil régional du Centre, le Conseil général du Loiret

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