La Tragédie de Macbeth (The Tragedy of Macbeth)

by d'après William Shakespeare

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Camille et Manolo du Théâtre du Centaure



In a sumptuous cathedral made of black canvas, the centaur marches to rhythm of Shakespeare's verse. While hooves trample on a sienna floor, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth look into each others' eyes and whisper their love to each other. We are in a dream belonging to two young artists, Camille and Manolo. The mad dream of a utopic actor who is called The Centaur. Half-human, half-animal, The Centaur doesn' t exist but yet, in the shadow of the tent, the horse and the actor seem to be one single being. As bonded to each other as Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are by their love, heroes of the bloody Shakespearian tragedy. The director couple have chosen to highlight the absolute and exemplary passion of the Shakespearian couple whose love for each other mocks death and costs them their lives. To show the fusion of the lovers, the centaur uses his power and his grace. In praise of conquering childhood, of passionate love, before the lust for power comes to darken their tale. Between the entrails of the earth and the dome reaching towards the sky, the centaur gallops. Man and beast intertwined, one speaking Shakespeare' s words, the other pounding the ground at speed. One speaking of love, the other sensuality. Their feet in the mud, their heads in the stars, in a gripping struggle body-to-body, hand-to-hand they tell us the tale of the tragic destiny of Macbeth and his wife.


stage direction Camille et Manolo du Théâtre du Centaure
cast: Camille, Jean-Noël François, David Mandineau, Manolo, Jean-Marie Rase, Gaïa ou Aramaéa Rase
assistants director : Brigitte Cecchini, Charlotte Grünspan,
Frédéric Pécarrère, Cati Réau, Éric Rossi, Nicolas Touache
voices sorceress :Johan Daisme
and the horses : Banquo, Bhima, Coco bottom, Darwin, Diego, Graal,
Laramis, Nuno, Manouchka, Queluz, Yudishtira
adaptation : Camille et Manolo
special translation consultant :Jean-Claude Carrière
music: Claire Michèle, Sandy Rivera
actors direction : Camille et Emmanuel Daumas
architect :Patrick Bouchain
costumes: Stefano Perocco di Meduna, Karine Bellisi, Christine Plécis
construction: Napo
lighting: Éric Rossi
sound :Benjamin Furbacco


Coproduction :Théâtre du Centaure, résidence de création à la Ferme du Buisson-Scène nationale de Marne-la-Vallée, Parc de la Villette, Printemps des comédiens, Festival d'Aurillac
Avec le soutien : du ministère de la Culture-DMDTS, de la Drac Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, de la Ville de Marseille, du Conseil général des Bouches-du-Rhône, de la Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, de la CCAS

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