El Suicidio (The Suicide)

by Daniel Veronese, Ana Alvarado avec la collaboration des acteurs

  • Theatre
  • Show
The 2002 archive

Ana Alvarado, Daniel Veronese, Emilio Garcia Webhi



El Periférico de objetos, an Argentinian company is back in Avignon with a performance which has a very gloomy title: El Suicidio which extends their desire to dig into discomfort and penetrate what is unsaid. Strangeness and ambiguity are always present in the productions of Periférico. There is latent violence, one can sense its strength. There is an underlying energy which hedges between gestures and slips away between words. With their latest project, the Argentinian company go directly to the most taboo of subjects, the most incomprehensible of dramas. Metaphor of the situation of a country which seems incapable of throwing of its own demons, suicide is a gesture that is a perpertual mystery to others. One can only approach it, and that is what the actors do, beyond fear or terror, sheltered behind the armour of stage art, theatre, video, dance and music. On stage, “poetrified” objects, which give off a melancholic beauty, come into contact with purely realistic facts, like statistics. The actos give life to machines but are also dead-people-in-waiting with an extension in life who walk through this field that is a mixture of truism and pure fiction. They open this territory of fear which is normally padlocked behind the bolts of silence, to the audience. They offer each person a key with which to get in, invite them to share in contemplating this extreme act, suicide, whose process - thought out, reflected upon, determined - is not unlike the theatre itself. Theatre on the edge...


stage direction Ana Alvarado, Daniel Veronese, Emilio Garcia Webhi
cast :Guillermo Arengo, Alejandra Ceriani, Laura Valencia, Julieta Vallina
and Christian Bouillette (an invited actor)
stage design and objects :Alejandro Bracchi, Carolina Ruy
costumes and props :Roxana Barcena
lighting :Alejandro Le Roux
music selected by: Daniel Veronese
assistant directors :Felicitas Luna, Adrian Canale
french text and subtitles : Françoise Thanas


Coproduction :El Periférico de objetos, Theater der Welt (Allemagne), Hebbel Theater (Berlin), Festival d'Avignon, Holland Festival (Amsterdam), Proteatro (Argentine)
Avec le soutien de: l'Onda pour les surtitres

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