After Sun

by Rodrigo García

  • Theatre
  • Show
The 2002 archive

Rodrigo García



An electric and overheated atmosphere on the stage of After Sun. The buffoon of Spanish theatre, writer-director Rodrigo García, bites big chunks out of the ills and shortcomings of the society in which he lives, using the theatre as a battlefield. At the heart of an undecorated space – overladen wooden tables, a sundry mess of varied and various objects such as crisp packets and white rabbits – emerge like two devils springing out of their box, an actor and an actress, with tousled hair and untidily dressed. And we' re off in a chase after words and bodies, rushing between demented dreams and bitter lucidity, zigzagging between crazy desires and sombre reality. Two of today' s young people who have a little but who want everything. They defy money, mock at illness, laugh about death. Because life is immediate or it never is. To be consumed with moderation. After Sun, a cocktail of energy, violence and poetry, balances laughter with tears, without giving respite to anyone – not to the marathonian actors, nor to the hearts of the spectators, beating a little faster than normal before this joyful breath of oxygen. Rodrigo García slaloms skilfully from limit to limit.


stage direction Rodrigo García
cast : Patricia Lamas, Juan Loriente
stage design : Rodrigo García
lighting : Carlos Marquerie
surtitrages : Ella Fuksbrauner


Coproduction: La Carnicería Teatro, Instituto Mediterranéo, Xe International Meeting of Ancient Greek Drama, INAEM, Ville de Madrid
En collaboration avec: la Fundación Autor
Texte publié: aux éditions les Solitaires intempestifs

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