Poko dance

Danses entre chien et loup (Dance in the twilight)

by Kubilaï Khan Investigations

  • Dance
  • Reading
The 2001 archive

Cynthia Phung-Ngoc, Dimitri Jourde, Stéphane Podevin, Mathieu Prawerman



Since its beginnings, Kubilaï Khan Investigations has been dreaming of a plural identity. Encounters within the collective are perceived as an artistic trading post. Led by Cynthia Phung Ngoc and Dimitri Jourde, this project includes two new circus performers, Stéphane Podevin and Mathieu Prawerman. Poko Dance (a two-part piece) tells of the violent "douceur" of a relationship between two people, a dance that requires an intimate view from the spectator. The contrast of happiness, the hidden face of the other. It is also a story of three men whose bodies and origins are all different. What they have in common are scars that they wear as if they were elephants without tusks. In the courtyard they make circles and break them, creating escape lines and dissidence. It's child's play, a balancing act and virtuosity; the challenge of being together. "Poko in hopi language (an Indian tribe) is a dog totem, the animal protector of the clan. His spirit accompanies us in order to re-enchante the world. He is the link that unites us all."


choreographed and performed by : Cynthia Phung Ngoc,
Dimitri Jourde, Stéphane Podevin, Mathieu Prawerman
lighting and stage design : Yvan Mathis and Pierre Vigna
sound : Stéphane Podevin and Takumi Fukushima


coproduction : Kubilaï Khan Investigations, Centre national de création et
de diffusion-Châteauvallon, Centre chorégraphique national d'Orléans,
Le Carreau-scène nationale de Forbach
avec l'aide au projet : de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
co-réalisation : Les Hivernales Festival d'Avignon
avec le soutien du : conseil général de Vaucluse,
du conseil régional Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur et de la direction
régionale des Affaires culturelles Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
avec l'aide de : l'Adami
et de : la Mission Mécénat de la Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations

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