La Tribu iOta (The Iota Tribe)

  • Circus
  • Show
The 2001 archive

Francesca Lattuada



Hitherto unknown to anthropologists, the Iota tribe was hard to find. It is permanently nomadic. Previously the tribe had many members, but today the Iota are in danger of becoming extinct. There are only sixteen members left. They like to fly with their feet on the ground. These are their stories. (Francesca Lattuada)

This is a multi-discipline show with trapeze, acrobatics, tight rope, song and dance. It is the final project of the 12th year of students at the Higher School of Circus Arts in Châlons-en-Champagne.


directed by : Francesca Lattuada (Company Festina Lente)
original music by : Jean-Marc Zelwer
costumes : Odile Hautemulle
lighting : Eric Loustau-Carrere
carpet painted by : Philippe Meynard
with : graduating students from the Higher School of the National Centre for Circus Arts:
trapèze : Laëtitia Boumeddane, Axel Minaret, Isa Munoz, Magali Nouyurigat
bascule et portés acrobatiques : Olivier Boyer, Julien Cassier, Damien Caufepé, Adrià Cordoncillo, Camille Decourtye, Matthieu Duval, Mathieu Levavasseur, Blai Mateu Trias, Jans Oving, Régina Trachsler
fil et mât chinois : Aurelius Lorenzi, Nicolas Lourdelle


Production : Centre national des Arts du Cirque
avec le soutien de : la région Champagne-Ardenne
remerciements à : l'Opéra national du Rhin pour le prêt gracieux de certains costumes, à la Maison Wolford, à Jean Heidelberger et à Michel Lestréhan

Practical infos