Experimental device for a visit to the åsa meterorite chasers

Un lièvre qui a des ailes est un autre animal (A hare who has wings is a different animal)

  • Theatre
  • Reading
The 2001 archive

O. Darbelley et M. Jacquelin



This "winged hare", this "other animal", this strange beast of the theatre, is an ensemble made up of three plays, an exhibition and some lectures/shows : the spectator does not have to see them all, each element can be appreciated separately but the ensemble does have ramifications and the logic of a particular universe that discloses more secrets to the most curious spectators.The first play, "Vvert Célacon", is a creation by Duchamp Duchamp - fake brother of Marcel, a butcher from Normandy and a prolific artist - a Living Ready-Made presented in a glass case. This living sculpture tells of its beginnings, its place in Duchamp Duchamp's work and applies several pataphysical principles. In the second play, "La Chambre du Professeur Swedenborg", the illustrious scientist and friend of Duchamp Duchamp, is referred to through his research into inverse relativity and his attempts to photograph the invisible. Assisted by Hanna Hurri, the eternal chamber maid, a young artist takes the public around this "folding" bedroom. In the third play, "Le Dispositif expérimental pour une visite chez les Åsa chasseurs de météores", A. Pophtegme, (creator of the Albert Pophtegme group, the first perpetual artists' movement) makes a device for his performance in collaboration with the Åsa, an Inuit group only discovered recently. As for the peripheral events, the exhibition of "Les Bas Morceaux de l'Odalisque", this is a way to see the retrospective of the original works of Duchamp Duchamp, and the lectures on "Hans K. un cas de figure", enriches the history of photography through the revelations of an astonishing portrait artist. O. Darbelley, M. Jacquelin and their team modify the perception of the spectator by playing with space and ritual. With constant humour, they pay a poetic homage to the boldness of the Twentieth Century and create a genre of performance and a form of contemporary art that are open to the world and to the public.


Plays written and directed by : O. Darbelley and M. Jacquelin
With : O. Darbelley, P. Franquet, C. Gramaglia, L. Llop and A. Pophtegme
And with : F. Hermitte, P. Clarard, C. Hernandez, C. Jéhanin, D. Kanashiro, X. Marchand, G. Vouillot and Pitou the dog
In collaboration with : C. Bokhobza, C. Dubois (gestural excercises)
with : R. Dury, R. Dubelski, C. Hernandez (music)
with : J.-M. Guirbal, F. Hermitte (sound), C. Pavet (accordeon), X. Gruel (set building), C. Hospitel (casting), A. Tixier (painting)
and J.-J. Mrejen (video operator)
Special thanks to : Stephen Butel, Yves-Noël Genod, Valérie-Louise Perriot-Morlac et à la Boucherie Daniel


Coproduction : Association Arsène, Théâtre de l'Eclipse, Fondation Professeur Swedenborg pour l'Art contemporain et Festival d'Avignon
Avec le soutien de : La galerie Michèle Chomette
Et le soutien technique du : Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers
"Rencontre avec les Åsa…" a reçu l'aide à la création du : ministère de la Culture
L'aide à la production de : la DRAC Ile-de-France
Avec le concours de : l'Adami
(dans le cadre du projet : en compagnie de l'Adami)

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