Embouteillage (Traffic jam)

  • Theatre
  • Show
The 2001 archive

Anne-Laure Liégeois



Fifteen texts selected from those written by Gilles Aufray, Jean-Louis Bauer, Christian Caro, Jean Cagnard, Sylvie Chenu, Philippe Crubézy, Daniel Danis, Valérie Deronzier, Alain Gautré, Gilles Granouillet, Mohamed Kacimi, Patrick Kermann, Philippe Lançon, Sophie Lannefranque, Patrick Lerch, Bernadette Le Saché, Ricardo Montserrat, Yves Nilly, Jean-Gabriel Nordmann, Fabienne Rouby, Karin Serres, Catherine Zambon, and other works in progress. Driving along.
Suddenly, an accident. No collision, no explosion. A pedestrian car demands there be a limit, enough of this exceeding all bounds. Now there's a traffic jam. A strange cortege where time has stopped. The only scenery is a horizon made of anti-corrosive metal. But one must go on with one's life and continue living when time has no limits. Rebuild here because we're here forever. Immobilised in this corrugated metal you can never escape from. The car which was driving the bride and groom to the altar, the one which carried the sales rep to his next motel, the car that was taking the couple to their unavoidable dinner, the one that transported the murderer to his deed... they are all stuck. Six corrugated metal cells, ten private lives, ten lives that cross paths with each other.


stage direction Anne-Laure Liégeois
an original idea from and directed by : Anne-Laure Liégeois
with : Boris Alestchenkoff, Jacques Brücher, Franck Chevallay, Olivier Constant, Olivier Dutilloy, Maryline Even, Eduardo Feletti, Sophie Lannefranque, Michèle Laurence, Gaëlle Le Courtois, Bernadette Le Saché, Marie Mainardis, Jean-Gabriel Nordmann, Stéphanie Pasquet, François Pick, Catherine Rétoré, Ismaël Ruggiero


producteur délégué : Théâtre du Festin
coproduction : Fécamp-scène nationale, Le Parc de la Villette (EPPGHV), Le Cratère-scène nationale d'Alès, Festival d'Aurillac, La Ferme du Buisson-scène nationale de Marne-la-Vallée, L'Atelier 231 de Sotteville-lès-Rouen, Chalon dans la Rue-l'Abattoir Ville de Chalon sur Saône.
avec l'aide de : La Chartreuse-centre national des Ecritures du Spectacle, du ministère de la Culture-DMDTS et de Beaumarchais.
avec le concours de : l'Adami
avec la participation artistique du : Jeune Théâtre national

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