The Imaginary Operetta

by Valère Novarina

  • Theater musical
  • Show
The 1999 archive

Claude Buchvald



Valere Novarina has chosen the popular Imaginary Operetta form with diabolical songs and snappy dialogues to focus on the human condition, a dizzy evocation within space and time - between the huge and the diminutive. The theatre is the time for re-conquering the self beyond the obstacles. Director Claude Buchvald has selected this type of writing that aims to resurrect the living for his stage production. The actors, in whose veins the script of the Imaginary Operetta flows, become workers who hit out at the sediments of the words in order to draw them out. This type of theatre is also political in that it redefines humans confronted by their own world and by the responsibility of their thought. This musical theatre gives voice to the Angel, like in the annunciations of the Middle Age, when painting began to speak. Somewhere between dream and nightmare, humour and panache, human beings strive to live on in spite of everything, drawing breath from the power of the word.


stage direction Claude Buchvald

Music by Christian Paccoud
Cast : Michel Baudinat, Didier Dugast, Laurence Mayor, Elizabeth Mazev, Claude Merlin, Christian Paccoud, Dominique Parent, Nicolas Struve, Valérie Vinci, Daniel Znyk. and la chorale
Scenography and lighting : Yves Collet
Costumes : Sabine Siegwalt


Production : Compagnie Claude Buchvald.
Coproduction : Compagnie Claude Buchvald, Festival d'Automne à Paris, Théâtre de la Bastille, Centre dramatique national/Orléans-Loiret-Centre
Création Résidence Le Quartz de Brest
Avec le soutien de : Théâtre Garonne à Toulouse, Centre dramatique régional de Tours, Théâtre des Treize Vents-Centre dramatique national du Languedoc Roussillon-Montpellier, Théâtre d'Evreux-Scène nationale, Théâtre municipal du Mans, Théâtre Le Point du Jour à Lyon, Théâtre de l'Olivier à Istres-ACVNF, Atelier du Rhin-La Manufacture-Centre dramatique régional d'Alsace
Avec l'aide de : THECIF-Conseil régional d'Ile de France, Adami, ministère de la Culture et de la Communication-Drac Ile de France, direction du Théâtre et des Spectacles
Remerciements au : Théâtre du Soleil

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