Requiem for Srebrenica

by Olivier Py

  • Theatre
  • Show
The 1999 archive

Olivier Py



A chorus of three women, The Supplicants, take charge of the troubles suffered by the people of Srebrenica, that small town in eastern Bosnia, whose population was slaughtered on 11th July 1995, by Serb forces. With the assistance of Philippe Gilbert, French director Olivier Py has decided to stage this documentary-play, Requiem for Srebrenica, three years after the event occurred, and since which time other human scandals have wracked the same part of the world and elsewhere, and in some places continue to do so. Requiem is a play that honours the memory of the dead. It recounts a tragedy that is sadly modern. The chronological account of events is presented by an collection of extracts from statements made by politicians, army personnel and doctors who sometimes speak to journalists. The observation drawn from this is flagrant, the so-called people in charge left History to impose itself, sometimes by negligence, by their incompetence or by impotence. The inadmissible, the "never again" that we refuse to hear, echoes from the sober voices and the dignified attitude of the actresses who take stock of the suffering of the victims, and of the errors committed by the oppressors whose known function is violence alone.


stage direction Olivier Py

With the collaboration of : Philippe Gilbert
Decor and costumes : Pierre-André Weitz
Cast : Anne Bellec, Irina Dalle, Frédérique Ruchaud


Une création du : Centre dramatique national/Orléans-Loiret-Centre
Avec le soutien de : la Scène nationale d'Orléans
Remerciements à : Vérène Rimlinger

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