Tribute to Lucien Attoun

  • Live or Replay

A fervent defender of contemporary writing and creation, Lucien Attoun died in April, leaving behind him an immense legacy. Co-founder of the Théâtre Ouvert, in response to Jean Vilar's challenge in July 1971, he was a passionate, determined and committed man who devoted his life to theatre and the promotion of cultural diversity. Lucien and Micheline Attoun inaugurated the Pénitents Blancs chapel in 1971. It was a founding act for Théâtre Ouvert, which, on the occasion of this tribute, wishes to present one of the first plays presented at the time, La Demande d'emploi by Michel Vinaver.

La demande d'emploiA sales manager is looking for a new job. As he complies with questionnaires set like infernal machines and the manoeuvres of a headhunter, he confronts his "leftist" daughter and his wife, who is having a hard time coping with the loss of a secure living environment.

The reading will be preceded by a talk by Joëlle Gayot, Lucien Attoun's former collaborator at Théâtre Ouvert and France Culture.