"Reading of de Mothers. A Song for Wartime" by Marta Górnicka, extracts

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The war rituals of violence against women never change. War raises questions for Europe: about accountability in the face of a threat and the mechanisms of its defence. Out of the testimonies of Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Polish mothers and children, those who have fled war and persecution, Marta Górnicka is creating a choral play. Ukrainian children's games, lively traditional songs, spells, and political statements all meet each other. The Polish director and founder of the Political Voice Institute Berlin (PVI) is this year presenting a reading of the ensemble piece, as well as materials from the rehearsals that have been taking place in Warsaw with refugee women from Bucha, Mariupol and Kiev. The choir starts its wartime song with Schedrivka, a traditional Ukrainian folk song. These melodic well wishes are addressed to all people, for a new time, for a time that we would like to see last a lifetime. 

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