L'Adami et TRACKS, "Immersive night", press conference of the 8 July 2022

  • Magazine

Delve into this Nuit Immersive and let yourself be carried towards a “Super Tomorrow,” an amplified future. Shrouded in the giant volutes of particle architect Guillaume Cousin, wander through the beautiful église des Célestins, taken over for one night by those creators with their eyes to the future. With Spanish director and choreographer Rocio Berenguer, the vegetal escapes the woods to climb onto the stage of the Anthropocene. Alchemist Thomas Laigle plays with light to cast us into a magnetic future. Berlin-based Israeli performer Moran Sanderovich brings life to unthinkable mutations, pushing the body past its limits. The Underground Sugar company and their augmented theatre bring magic back to the digital world while Adrien M & Claire B weave together the living and technology in their creations. Just like at the movies, you can book a ticket—three timeslots are available on 12 July—to wander through an unsuspected future. An immersive experience imagined by Arte magazine Tracks and the Adami.