"EXIT ABOVE" by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, extracts

In EXIT ABOVE, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker explores the history of western pop music. Starting with African-American bluesman Robert Johnson, the choreographer, accompanied by singer-songwriter Meskerem Mees, guitarist and producer Jean-Marie Aerts, and dancer and guitarist Carlos Garbin share with us the joy and pain of music that brings us to our feet. A new, unexpected world for the great Belgian choreographer, founder of the company Rosas and of the dance school P.A.R.T.S., invited many times to the Festival, and who this year reprises En Atendant in the Cloître des Célestins… A choreography that develops from the simple movement of walking - an activity that counters the hegemony of functionality and efficiency - and develops in time and space in a stunningly original way. Walking songs, or the union of “If you can’t say it, sing it” and “If you can’t sing it, dance it.”

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