Valère Novarina

Born in Geneva in 1947, Valère Novarina is a writer, a painter, and a cartoonist: movement is at the heart of his creative process, of his reflection and research, because he thinks that The Hand is the Organ of Language (2013). He works on space, colours, and words as if they were matter. In his theatre, he tries to make words perceptible and visible by deploying them in space. Following three intertwined axes, his work questions language, its origins and forms, and the “thousand ways man can be man.” Alternating between the theatre (The Flying Workshop, You Who Live In Time, The Imaginary Operetta, The Unknown Act, The Animal of Time), uncategorisable texts, monologues for multiples characters,poetry in acts (The Babble of the Dangerous Classes, The Drama of Life, Words to Animals, Man's Flesh, The True Blood), and theoretical works inspired by the stage and by actors (During Matter, In Front of the Word, The Flipside of the Mind, Fourth Person Singular), his books are published, for the most part, by P.O.L. Publishing.

Portrait of Valère Novarina © portrait photo Fabienne Douce