Oskar Gómez Mata

Located in Geneva, the Alakran company has imposed, in some 10 years, its playful and political, delirious and socially aware style. A few opuses with pre-existing texts (The Spanish Butcher after Rodrigo Garcia's first plays, Ubu! after Jarry and Build Your Jeep by Marielle Pinsard), but above all devised texts that have spread the fame of the company and its director: the Basque Oskar Gómez Mata who, behind his thin-framed and prim glasses, hides a great deal of extravagance. Anyone who has already seen an Alakran show knows that he can expect anything with these actors, who became masters in the salutary art of transgressing performance codes. A team of "buffoons of the Enlightenment" who are not afraid to play with the ridiculous and the absurd to open us to reflection and criticism. Their most recent creation, Kairos, Sisyphus and Zombies, combines, as usual, commotion and brain-teasing to stride across our era and its contradictions with scathing vitality.