Nacera Belaza

Throughout her career, Nacera Belaza has created a singular path that led her to the so-called existential questions of the body in the world. After 20 years of uninterrupted work, the choreographer says that she still does not know what her body can do, and is determined that this continue to be the case. It is through this “non-knowing” that she attempts to keep herself in a state of extreme vigilance, indispensable to her relationship to the unknown. A personal way of envisaging creation, in which the artist would not have to invent, but to make herself porous and to develop an ever sharper sense of observation of living phenomena. Alongside her sister Dalila, who has accompanied her since her beginnings, she is one of those sentinels who compose the title of her recent creations. Each of her plays seems like the echo of an intimate experience, the result of a vital necessity bearing the trace of the preceding one, as so many stops on a path that she is tracing as much as the one she is building. Her work could be discovered at the Festival d'Avignon in 2009 with The Scream, interpreted in a duet with her sister, as well as with Sealed Time, a commission for Sujets à Vif.

SC, April, 2012