Marta Górnicka

Born in Poland, Marta Górnicka is a director, writer, and singer, a graduate of the Warsaw National Academy of Dramatic Art and the Chopin University of Music. She founded the Political Voice Institute (PVI) in 2019 in Berlin, where she has developed her practice of the chorus in its formal and political dimensions. In her choruses, voices and bodies, individually or together, are intrinsically political instruments. She explores a variety of choral forms to create confrontations with unbearable realities. Marta Górnicka uses the stage as a platform to enact discourses of conflict and resolution, giving members of different communities the opportunity to make their voices heard and to recognise their shared humanity. In 2023, the Festival d’Avignon invited her to present, in the courtyard of the Musée Calvet, an early reading of Mothers, A Song for a Wartime, which premiered at the Maillon Théâtre de Strasbourg Scène européenne. 

Portrait of Marta Górnicka © Esra Rotthoff

Show in 2024


A Song for Wartime
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  • Theatre
  • Marta Górnicka

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