Julien Gosselin

After studying at the Espad (École supérieure d’art dramatique) in Lille, Julien Gosselin founded the company Si vous pouviez lécher mon cœur in 2009, together with six actors. His celebrated adaptations (Fausto Paravidino, Anja Hilling, Michel Houellebecq, Roberto Bolaño, Don DeLillo) have made him one of the most important directors of his generation. In 2013, his Particules élémentaires met with acclaim at the Festival d’Avignon, where he has often returned to present his newest works. He directed Leonid Andreyev’s Le Passé at the TNS in 2021 and Sturm und Drang, the first part in a History of the German Language, at the Volksbühne in 2022.

Portrait of Julien Gosselin © Simon Gosselin