Jeanne Moreau

“We have been granted life to take risks,” Jeanne Moreau asserts. Artistically, she has taken a great many of them to build, through daring choices, a career as an actress in the theatre and cinema, which made her an icon. She who became an actress in the same way as “one takes one's vows” still believes that acting means “letting everything in someone else's words be heard.” She hadn't sung in years when she recorded Jean Genet's Le Condamné à mort (The Man Sentenced to Death) with Étienne Daho. Even though she was reciting the poem, the specific musicality of her voice couldn't help but bring her singing to mind. Têtes Raides were also part of the cycle dedicated to the hundredth birthday of Jean Genet at the Odéon-Théâtre de l'Europe; there they met Jeanne Moreau, and that encounter led to the recording of “Emma”, the main single of their 2011 album L'An demain. They are once again coming together to celebrate poets in the Cour d'honneur.

MC, April 2014

Portrait of Jeanne Moreau © portrait photo Christophe Raynaud de Lage