Guillaume Vincent

Theatre and film studies combined with a stint at the Marseille conservatory led Guillaume Vincent to the École du Théâtre National of Strasbourg, where he entered the directing department in 2001. He was taught by Stéphane Braunschweig, Krystian Lupa and Daniel Jeannetteau, and co-adapted with Marion Stoufflet, a student in the drama department, Virginia Woolf's novel, The Waves, which he staged in 2002. In this work, what he made his trademark could already be discerned, namely a dominant place given to the actors. After founding the company MidiMinuit, he took a particular interest in Lagarce with We, the Heroes and Love Story (Last Chapters), in Wedekind and Spring Awakening, an expurgated and wild version of which he created, then Fassbinder whose Katzelmacher and Preparadise Sorry Now he staged at the Comédie de Reims. After a show for youngsters, Big Claus and Little Claus, after a tale by Hans Christian Andersen, and the staging of an opera by Frédéric Verrière, The Second Woman, freely inspired by Cassavetes' film Opening Night, Guillaume Vincent is now focusing on the writing of a play created for the Festival d'Avignon which invites him for the first time. Time that passes, death that lurks and faced with this, the need for humour are three ingredients that make up his theatre. A theatre in which the intimate is revealed in a strangely macabre celebration.

JFP, April 2012