Gaëlle Bourges

Gaëlle Bourges's work is proof of her pronounced inclination for references to art history and of her critical relationship with the history of representations: she created, among other shows, the triptych Vider Vénus (Je baise les yeux / La Belle Indifférence / Le Verrou) [Emptying Venus (I kiss the eyes / The Beautiful Indifference / The Lock)], Un beau raté [A Beautiful Failure], 59, À mon seul désir (which played at the Festival d'Avignon in 2015), Lascaux, and Conjurer la peur [To ward off fear]. She also holds a degree in somatic education through movement delivered by the Body-Mind Centering school of the university Paris 8-Saint-Denis.

Portrait of Gaëlle Bourges © portrait Kit Brown