Aurélien Bory

Working alongside Moroccan acrobats, Chinese artists, flamenco dancers, or industrial machines, Aurélien Bory never ceases to challenge space through movement. And vice versa. Objects and bodies endure the mechanical laws of the space as much as they reveal it, bend it, distort it. A true craftsman of the stage, he uses and often hybridises its various languages (dance, theatre, circus), every single genre, from the burlesque to the tragic, and all the skills at his disposal, from traditional tools to new technologies. In addition to his own creation, he has also worked with choreographer Pierre Rigal and singer Vincent Delerm, and directed two operas. Aurélien Bory has been working on a long-time project revolving around Georges Perec's Species of Spaces, in Toulouse, where he founded the Compagnie 111 in 2000. A project punctuated by three B(r)ouillons (rough drafts) like three pages or three stages, where he and his performers offered the audience different attempts whose lessons inform this creation for the Festival d'Avignon.

Portrait of Aurélien Bory © Aglae Bory